Global Climate Change and Impacts on Monsoon Hydrological Cycle

Name of the Speaker: Prof.Krishnan Raghavan

Title of the Seminar: Global Climate Change and Impacts on Monsoon Hydrological Cycle

Date and Time: 28 Oct 2021 (Thursday), 4:00pm

Online Platform: MS Teams [link to  the video of the seminar]

About the Speaker: Dr. Krishnan Raghavan specializes in climate modeling studies on scientific issues relating to “Climate Change, Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle”. Currently he heads the Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR) at IITM, Pune and is engaged in developing in house capability in Earth System Modeling to address the science of climate change. Under his leadership the CCCR developed the IITM Earth System Model (ESM) – the first global climate model from India that contributed to the CMIP 6 and IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. He is a coordinating lead author in the IPCC AR 6 WG 1 report (Chapter 8 Water Cycle Changes) and a drafting author in the Summary for Policymakers. He and his team from CCCR IITM published the First National Climate Change Assessment Report of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India in 2020. After obtaining a M.Sc degree in Applied Mathematics from the Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai, he pursued Ph.D research in Atmospheric Sciences at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. He was awarded Ph.D degree from the Univ of Pune in 1994. He has published over 140 scientific articles/papers, supervised/co supervised 12 Ph D degrees 11 ongoing) 7 Master (M.Sc/M.Tech) dissertations. He offered training lectures in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Atmospheric Sciences

Abstract: Human induced climate change has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land, and is already affecting ever region of Earth in multiple ways. The changes we experience will increase with further warming. This talk will provide a brief summary of the key assessments from the IPCC AR 6 WG 1 report, with special focus on observed and projected changes in water cycle, the regional monsoons, attribution of regional monsoon precipitation changes to different anthropogenic drivers (eg. GHG, aerosols, ..) uncertainties in water cycle projections and related topics.

Date(s) - 28/10/2021
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Interdisciplinary Centre for Water Research (ICWaR) - IISc Bangalore